Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Nuskin Adventure

This Blog will be used to keep you up to date on my Nuskin adventure.  After I retired 23 years ago, I thought I was going to relax and play golf every day!  WRONG!  Having had 45 successful years in the Financial and investment industry, I found it difficult to slow down.  I did some consulting for a few years in he financial services industry, helping companies build marketing and sales capacities and dabbled in a couple of other business ventures.  But I was completely taken by surprise by an opportunity that is developing into something beyond my dreams.

Using my skills as a networker and a connector, I have a been building a business that is giving me residual income now and for the rest of my life.

I invite you to look into joining me in my adventure.

Please go to and wathc some of the vides and then call me at 617-413-9777

Make it the best day of your life,

Richard Deagazio
How old you are is your business
How old you look and feel is MY business